I've spent the past couple of months almost cooped up inside of my own brain... Thoughts whirling around in there that almost have no way of getting out. So here we are, attempting to find an outlet, a release for all the random thoughts that keep me awake at night... Hopefully before they make me go crazy. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Overly Anticipated FIRST BLOG ENTRY... Dun Dun Dun!

I have to say from the start that I am not entirely sure how I feel about this whole blogging thing... I used to be more of a journal writer, not the "Dear Diary" type, but more to get out the thoughts and ideas that would flood my mind. I have decided to pick this up because I need an outlet.  I used to write a lot, some poetry, prose, stories, etc. It always provided a really nice outlet for whatever I was experiencing.  In the past couple of years I have found myself with less and less time to write and to express the thoughts that keep me awake at night.

Lately, life has been somewhat stressful, filled with mystery, which is both exciting and scary at the same time.  I am in the process of applying for Graduate Schools, many across the country.  In so many ways I am ready and excited to experience the next phase of my life and discovering what that really means to me.  However, I am also scared of what the future brings in many ways, but isn't that the spice of life?  Not knowing what is going to happen next? So this is my space to write, to process, to think about what life is bringing my way.  The exciting, the fun, the sad and the horrifying (which there has been a moderate amount of horrifying lately... lol).  :)  But life is always entertaining, and full of surprises, I will say that.

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